
How First Aid Can Help Bleeding Victims: 5 Points

A person may get wounded in an accident, which may start the bleeding. Bleeding can either be external or internal. Excessive bleeding can be very dangerous as it may cause unconsciousness and even death as a result. Therefore, it is essential that bleeding be controlled first thing after an injury occurs. A first aid course will teach you how to control bleeding and stabilize the patient. Once the bleeding is controlled there is lesser chance of an infection to occur. First aid is a good skill to learn as it may come in handy at any time.

There are five ways how first aid can help bleeding victims. They are:

• Internal bleeding is dangerous as you cannot see it on the outside. However first aid is helpful as it teaches you to understand the signs of internal bleeding. Blood appearing in the vomit is a sign of internal bleeding and the victim should immediately be taken to your healthcare facility.

• When an artery is injured and bleeding occurs, it becomes essential to stop it immediately as an artery is an important blood vessel delivering pure blood to the heart. First aid teaches you to control the bleeding quickly and prevent the victim going into shock.

Tonsil Stones Tips

If you are suffering any of these symptoms:
  • Halitosis or bad breath
  • Sore throat
  • White debris
  • A bad taste in the back of the throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Ear ache
  • Tonsils swelling
  • A foreign body sensation in the back of the throat
Then you may be suffering from tonsilloliths or what is more commonly known as tonsil stones. Tonsil stones consists of mucus, dead cells and other debris that collect in the deep pockets of the tonsils and gradually condense into small, light-colored clusters. Sulfur producing bacteria feeds on this accumulated matter, giving rise to the odor and symptoms. Among those with chronic halitosis or bad breath 75% of the subjects were diagnosed as tonsilloliths.

And this brings us to another symptom that many people wouldn't normally associate with tonsil stones: ear pain. Sharp and sudden ear pain is, also, considered a symptom of tonsilloliths, because the shared nerve networks that run between the throat, eyes, and ears are very sensitive and any problems in the throat area can cause "referred pain" that can be felt in other parts of the closely-knit system.